Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gagnon_ET Algorithm

Rule Set
1. If you are a third year use a heavy line weight, fourth year use a medium line weight and a fifth year use a light line weight.
2. Starting in the top right hand corner, using the lines on the page count to the right the year you are in at Wentworth. So if you are a third year start at the top of the third line to the right. For people following the first person start counting where the last person began drawing. Moving around the canvas.
3. Depending on your year at Wentworth you will draw curves with these radiuses, so a radius of 3 for third year and so on.
4. You may begin these curves in any direction, but they must eventually move across to the opposite side of the paper. The end of the last curve must not touch the edge of the paper, it should stop at the line before and you cannot make complete circles while drawing these curves.
My intention of the algorithm was to have curved lines moving throughout the page, where each line was different. But the outcome of the project was that people took the curve in my rule set as strictly half circles. When I was thinking of the rules and outcome I wanted curved lines that were made up of quarter circles throughout the page eventually making its way to the other side. I also wanted more of variation in line weight; now that I look back I would have brought different pen types instead of different pencils.

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