Thursday, March 4, 2010

ET Algorithm 02


  1. You man only work inside the “sliding frame”

  1. You must read all directions before starting

  1. For this project you will have a few different tools at your disposal that you will use to create ‘stalactite’ art:
    1. Hot Glue
    2. Color Sticks (blue & yellow)
    3. Color Shaving tools

  1. Your goal in the next 4 minutes is to create ‘stalactite’ art within your ‘framed’ area

  1. You may experiment with different ways of adding ‘color shavings’ as you go along, but you must start buy lightly rubbing one of the color sticks on the mesh inside the frame without damaging the mesh by pushing too hard

  1. You then must start to add hot glue inside the frame, and you can do this in whatever manor you chose as long as at the end of the 4 minutes you have engaged the mesh within your entire framed area in some way

  1. By passing the glue through the mesh, it will stretch (like stalactites), and then hopefully create cool patterns with bits of color thrown around for good measure

  1. Try to be creative with how you apply the glue and the color to the mesh, but also try to think of the entire composition as a whole and realize that you are only doing 1/24 of the piece

  1. Try to create interesting, organic looking forms by using the mesh as the framework from which to ‘hang’ the glue and bits of color

  1. Do not use more than ½ a glue stick at most, but you will probably use less

  1. After you are done, move the ‘sliding frame’ ahead one number so the next person has a clean piece of mesh to work with


  1. This project was an interesting play of color, rigidity, and fluidity. What at first seams like a fragile liquid dripping solidified to form an identity.
    Overall the Assignment hinted at a spacial application of the Algorithm, which broadened my perspective of its possibilities.

  2. What drew me to this project was how the result of the piece turned out to be random. The artist had some degree of control over how the glue would melt into the piece but it was impossible to fully control it. I also liked how the "stalactite" art created the environment of the space within the bounding box. It would be interesting to see how this concept could be worked into a piece of architecture.

  3. This project caught my eye because it was so unique, as well as a bit messy. I was intrigued by the outcome of the project, for one because it was not completely predicted. That's the beauty of experimentation as well as interpretation. The way the color was able to become suspended in mid air, changing thickness along the way made for some interesting visuals. I thought overall it was a creative process which generated unique results.

  4. This project provokes you to ask a question: which part is architecture, the glue or the structure itself? This could be translated into building design as two separate elements; a completely rigid structure that is opposed by and interacts with a completely elusive structure.
    Overall, the creativity in his project was right on.
