Monday, February 1, 2010



  1. What I found most compelling about Daeman's chair model is its attention to detail and establishing environment. It isn't just about forming an object, like so many others appear to be.
    The most unique thing about the rendering is the texture of the wood flooring and the softness of the shadows. I was curious if the wood texture was conceived as a JPEG image and then imported in as a texture map.
    What we can learn from this rendering is that it's most important to establish environment to give your design a place to rest. Otherwise, your design just appears to be a cut out object you see posted in a furniture catalog. The same goes for building renderings - buildings need a place to be built, and the context of that place needs to apparent.

  2. This render was a very convincing photo realistic rendering that I have seen throughout the whole blog. The attention to detail of this chair and the care of rendering really shows in this set of pictures. The render-er took the time and extra effort to mimic the wood on the armrest and the reflection of the aluminum legs. The wood floor also compliments the chair by providing a surface to cast a subtle shadow on. In the world of architecture it is important to have very convincing rendering to sell your project. This render is definitely a convincing one.
