Friday, January 29, 2010

Kamil_Budak_ET Algorithm



1) If the page is blank continue reading (if not skip to step 2). Pick a point anywhere on the page and draw a shape. Keep is smaller then 1.5” by 1.5”

2) Pick a shape already drawn on the page and draw another shape (smaller then 1.5” by 1.5”), making sure that it intersects one, and only one, corner of the previous shape.

3) Repeat step 2 using the shape you just drew to continue off of, going by the same rules as in step 2, and keep drawing untill time runs out.

My initial reaction upon seeing the canvas was that people created a lot of different shapes and streched them across the canvas in different directions. My initial thought was that I would see a lot of triangles and squares drawn all over the place. It was nice to see that when people saw what was already drawn they chose to do more unique shapes. The detail image was a part I found really fascinating. It was a unique adaptation to the algorithm that no one else seemed to do, instead of going in a line, the person drew the shapes all clustered around eachother.

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