Monday, February 22, 2010



  1. I like how the entire bridge worked to together as a whole and flowed from one side to the other. The trellis actually interacted with the bridge by swooping over and under it, rather than just sitting on top of it as a stationary piece.

  2. The form of the structure is the most compelling part of the project; the way it twists over the platform. I personally came up with the same type of idea and it is a unique process since I have never seen a precedent in which the structure is twisted in such a manor, and it is a very inspiring type of design. The addition of the shading devices between the structures is also a very nice detail. The only thing I wonder is if would actually be able to be structured in this way, luckily in the rhino program that isn’t as important as creating a compelling image.

  3. The idea to wrap the structure, like a strand of DNA, is very compelling. Its unique form drew me in and allowed me to then look closer at its more intricate details. This project demonstrates that almost any form is possible, and most certainly catches the eye. The images were well rendered to insure that he captured the bridge's form as well as the play of shadow below.

  4. The form of this bridge is very compelling idea, with the way the structure wraps around the bridge. Also the shading system is integrated within the main structural system making the different components of this bridge flow seamlessly together.

  5. i like this bridge because of the way the structure spirals around the itself. The form is very interesting and it seems that if it were actually built, it would actually stand up. the spiral structure itself would have been enough but the trellis system makes the project. it makes you believe that this is could be a real bridge
