Friday, April 2, 2010

3DP Tower

For this project, similar to the Lasercut Tower, you'll work in teams of 6 people. Design a tower composed of an assortment of units wherein difference between units is achieved primarily through graphic and volumetric means, as opposed to formal means. Your tower should be composed of a minimum of 20 units. Take your design from concept to physical model, with enough structural integrity to stand on its own. Organize yourselves and decide who will be responsible for which parts of the process. Rather than 3d printing each individual unit, you'll use the 3d printer as a tool to create a mold or molds for casting each of your units.

Designing (sketching, writing pseudocode and modeling)
Scripting (writing Rhinoscript to generate geometry)
Converting (ensuring all volumes are air-tight, packing into an 8”x10”x8” bbox, and creating .stls)
Fabricating (creating units by casting into 3d printed molds)
Assembling (constructing the model and securing it to a base)
Documenting (collecting and distributing the final script(s), rhino model, and photos for your group)

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