Monday, May 10, 2010

Portugal_Final Proposal

Bar Caddy Design

For this Project I intend to design a concept model for a new and improved home Bar Caddy. Today there are simply stands that hold alcohol. I however, will be attempting to incorporate a use for these stands. There could be some sort of an action of spinning, or pouring that may be incorporated into this design. Whether the stand is for hard alcohol or beer remains to be seen. I would also like to design this caddy to hold or accomplish more than one feat if possible.

I will be using the 3d printer to create my design, because I would like to see my object as a true solid, and not as a piece of chipboard.

Designing: 8 Hours

Rhino/Scripting: 8 Hours

Converting: 1 Hour

Assembling: 0 Hours

Documenting: 3 Hours

Macintosh HD:Users:Derek:.Trash:_06-05-22__May_long_weekend_aftermath_liquor_bottles_-vix-2006.05.22-19.02.50.jpgMacintosh HD:Users:Derek:.Trash:shot_glass_conical.jpgMacintosh HD:Users:Derek:.Trash:DSCF0488.jpg

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